This page allow you download the HydroClim datasets, providing monthly streamflow and water temperature predictions for stream sections in all major watersheds across the United States from 1950-2099.

You can also check our data visualization map here.

--The start date should be before the end date.--

--Please select at least one basin.--

Please select a range of years and months and at least one basin.

Date Selection

--The start date should be before the end date.--

Subset     Full

Basin Selection

--Please select at least one basin.--

Please select/deselect one basin from the dropdown list.

--Please select historical data or at least one RCP model data.--

--Please select at least one RCP model data.--

Please choose Historical Data and/or at least one RCP model.

Historical Data

Reminder:To obtain Historical Data the date range must include years and months prior to 1999.

--Please select historical data or at least one RCP model data.--

Historical Data (1950 - 1999)


Please specify one or more climate models for RCP.

--Please select at least one RCP model data.--

RCP 4.5 (1950 - 2099)

RCP 8.5 (1950 - 2099)

--Please select original data or at least one statistics data.--

--Please select at least one statistics option.--

Please choose raw water temperature and/or discharge data or any of the statistical summaries of these data listed below.

--Please select original data or at least one statistics data.--

Water Temperature(℃) and Discharge(m3/s) raw data

--Please select at least one statistics option.--

Statistics of Water Temperature(℃) and Discharge(m3/s) data




Standard Deviation
